Prayer and Fasting Resources

“The Nineteen-Day Fast is a nineteen-day period of the year during which members of the Baháʼí Faith adhere to a sunrise-to-sunset fast. Along with obligatory prayer, it is one of the greatest obligations of a Baháʼí, and its chief purpose is spiritual: to reinvigorate the soul and bring the person closer to God.” Read Stories On Baháʼí Nineteen-Day Fast.

Find materials in many languages, including free downloadable prayer books, for spiritual growth.

Meditations: Selections from Baha'i Scripture softcover and e-book

Words of God (Large Print)

Baha'i Prayers (Free Mobi)

Baha'i Prayers (Free ePub)

Oraciones Baha'is (Spanish, Baha'i Prayers, PDF)

Baha'i Prayers Audiobook (MP3)

Illumine . . . a collection of themed prayer and meditation e-books and books, such as Illumine My Family.

Includes Illumine My Spirit - Baha'i Prayers and Meditations for Women: A wellspring of inspiration for women of all cultural and religious backgrounds to accompany them on every stage of life's journey.
Baha'i Prayers and Meditations for Women speaks specifically to the qualities and concerns of women in a way seldom seen in religious texts. This beautifully arranged compilation draws from a wide selection of Baha'i texts. Among the topics covered are the qualities of women, motherhood, the education of children, the loss of loved ones, steadfastness, courage, and many more. Baha'i Prayers and Meditations for Women will surely serve as a treasury of comforting and reassuring words for women navigating the ups and downs of life. E-book and softcover.

Happy Fasting: Drawing upon the Bahá'í Writings, and nutritional knowledge, this booklet offers insights and assurances for those looking to fast for the first time, those who have fasted before but would like to be more prepared this year, and those who would like some passages and discussion questions for deepening their knowledge of the Fast.

Baháʼuʼlláh ke nigudh vacana - prayers and devotions in Hindi, available along with other Hindi materials through the Washington County library system,


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